Sunday, April 25, 2010

So Arizona has this new "Immigration Law"

"Obama Blasts Arizona Law"

This new law makes illegal immigration a "state crime and requiring police to question people about their immigration status if officers suspect they are in the U.S. illegally." Then Arizona governor, Jan Brewer, and Obama started getting into it.

Brewer: "Decades of inaction and misguided policy have created a dangerous and unacceptable situation," (She thinks its Obama's fault for not securing the borders)

Obama: Its your state that's "misguided" this law is going to "undermine basic notions of fairness that we cherish as Americans."

Then Randy Pullman, chairman of the state Republican party, added his biter two cents.

Randy: "President Obama chooses to be critical, yet doesn't provide any constructive solutions to our nation's border problems."

The President plans to address immigration on a federal level before the November elections. Democrats in Congress also plan on moving an immigration law that will allow millions to become citizens. ""There will be a blowback from this, and the White House realizes what is happening," said Democratic pollster Fernand Amandi. He is conducting surveys on the issue for several immigrant advocacy groups."" Charles Schumer, democrat, and Lindsey Graham, republican, are also working together on immigration legislation. However, in Arizona's case immigration is a pressing matter. It is a main point of illegal entry for drug and human trafficking, and people are getting killed at the border. Ms. Brewer seemed to have more resistance to the bill, but her elections are coming up and she wants to keep her voters happy, so she signed it anyway.

"""The Arizona law appears to be unconstitutional, said Karl Manheim, a law professor at Loyola Law School in Los Angeles who has written about states' past attempts to regulate immigration. "States have no power to pass immigration laws because it's an attribute of foreign affairs. Just as states can't have their own foreign policies or enter into treaties, they can't have their own immigration laws either.""""

unconstitutional- a law or piece of legislation that goes against what is in the Constitution
illegal immigration- the flow of immigrants into the U.S. illegally as undocumented persons
blowback- repercussions, consequences

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